+Company mission +

We help you define your exact needs and effectively achieve your goals together.

We are exactly where you need us.


We offer quality control services for components and finished products. We support the quality development of our customers’ suppliers at their premises and at invenio warehouses.


CAD/CAM design, machining, manufacturing of production tooling, production of machines, our own measuring laboratory are just some of the services offered by our Mechanical Engineering department.


invenio offers complex HR counselling services. We specialize in high-quality recruitment of specialists and so-called blue collars.


We can provide comprehensive logistics services both at the customer's premises and in our own warehouses.


We offer high-class training services. Thanks to them, our clients can more effectively use the potential inherent in their enterprises.

wdrożenia systemów zarządzania jakością

Inżynieria jakości

Oferujemy kompleksowe konsultacje w zakresie wdrażania i nadzorowania systemów zarządzania jakością. Pomagamy w rozwiązywaniu problemów jakościowych, definiując i weryfikując skuteczność działań korygujących.

usługi ślusarskie dla przemysłu

Ślusarze narzędziowi

Nasi wykwalifikowani ślusarze narzędziowi zajmują się dostosowywaniem i uruchamianiem nowych przyrządów oraz naprawą i regeneracją narzędzi produkcyjnych. Dzięki naszej usłudze jesteśmy gotowi wesprzeć Klientów na każdym etapie produkcji przyrządów i nie tylko.


Company mission

We are there where our clients need us

Providing services according to clients’ needs and expectations – this is the most accurate definition of invenio’s principles of operation. Satisfaction of our clients is a prerequisite for sustainable development of the company and for maintaining the reputation of a trustworthy partner, therefore we undertake to continuously improve the quality of our services.

+ NEWS +


For the youngest ones

At invenio, we firmly believe that business is more than just achieving market success. It’s also social responsibility and a commitment to helping those who

invenio in every corner of the world

At the invenio group, we value creativity, commitment and the ability to combine work with the passions of our employees. That’s why we were eagerly


We work for

kontrola jakości automotive

Passenger car producers

kontrola jakości automotive

Automotive component manufacturers

kontrola jakości automotive

Producers of electric motors and hybrid drives

kontrola jakości automotive

Truck manufacturers

tworzenie modeli 3D

Manufacturers of aviation components

kontrola wejściowa w przemyśle

Battery manufacturers

kontrola wejściowa w przemyśle

Producers of means of public transport

hala KSSE

Household appliances manufacturers

hala KSSE

Other industries

+ Contact information +

kontrola wejściowa w przemyśle tychy

Grupa invenio
ul. Fabryczna 2
43-100 Tychy, Polska
tel. +48 32 740 01 16
tel. +48 32 888 78 68

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